Lisboa Street Style Fucking Young
Lisboa Street Style Fucking Young Spotted in Lisboa during the Fashion Week from the Fucking Young StreetStyle Hunter. Fucking Young is one of my…
Portrait in Milan During Milan Fashion Week I crashed at Cosimo Buccolieri Studio. We were jus having breakfast and I was late like always, but…
Roberto De Rosa in Shanghai In August I had an amazing trip to Shanghai. I met the girl who changed my life and introduced…
Marc Jacobs on Rolling Stones This is an old picture about the Marc Jacobs Party in Napoli. The party was a blast and the…
Roberto De Rosa Lanvin in Hong Kong
Illustration from Poland Happy to show you one of the best Illustration I got in my life from Poland. The artist is…
Hong Kong Visual Diary 1 Hong Kong is the place where you can loose yourself, its a place where I lived , its a…
About Roberto De Rosa nasce a Napoli nel 1988, studia due anni presso l’Università di Varsavia e dopo una serie di stages presso le…